What is “Pixel Per Unit” it mean how many pixels can fit within 100 cm (or one unreal unit)

thus lets say you are using 32x32 pixel texture then you PixelPerUnit = 32/100 = 0.32

<aside> ℹ️ the default Pixels Per Unit is 0.32


How Set Pixel Per Unit for your project

  1. Decide what value you want to use(as explained above)

  2. set the Pixels Per Unit property of each of your sprites to that value

    1. you can set it in the editor settings of the paper 2d too for easier use
  3. Tilemaps too have the same property so use it there too

  4. for each of your sprites, flipbooks and basically actors: make sure you are using one of the pixel perfect material we provide

    1. you can set these materials to be the default for paper 2d assets in the editor settings too
  5. open the “M_PixelPerfectMaster” material and set the “Pixels Per Unit” pin of the “MF_PixelPerfect” to you value

    Screenshot 2023-10-07 154109.png

  6. open the BP_PixelPerfectModifier and set its “UnitPerPixels” to 1/value

    <aside> ℹ️ variable UnitsPerPixel: you should set this to 1/[your project default pixels per unit]. e.g. if your art is 32x32 then UnitsPerPixel = 1/0.32 = 3.125



remember to follow these Pixel Perfect Best Practices too

allso see Use with Top Down Games

Great You Are Now Pixel Perfect