the parallax manager actor is all u need to get the smart parallax effect. this actor has all the properties required to access level actors, track player movement and update necessary actors when needed.

after you place it into the level, go to its details panel for setup:

Parallax manager properties

parallax manager details panel

parallax manager details panel

property description
Parallax scale global movement scale for all layers
parallax bounds bounding box for the parallax effect,(y ignored). this improves performance and prevent far actors from movement
use distance scaling if enabled, instead of uniform movement delta per layer, each actor will scale that delta based on it distance from the update location. this is useful if the bounding box it large and u do not want actors to move very far away from their original location while keeping the parallax feel when they are close to the updater
manual update by default the manager will update based on the player movement, but if you want to manually handle that you can enable this
max movement step this clamps the calculated location delta. useful if your player is very fast or can teleport far away: you do not want every thing to follow right🙂
update time delta caps the update tick time
parallax layers here you can add new layers and set there unique scales as needed
debug draws helpful info for debugging purposes
(editor function)Make Layer Actors Movable this makes sure that the actors of the parallax layers are moveable and not static


a good setup highly depends on you game and the needs and feel you want to achieve, but here are a couple of tips: